Terms and Conditions for use of columbuskofc.org :
This site was created to provide information on our organization (Knights of Columbus, Columbus chapter, hereafter “KofC”) and the Catholic faith, a home for Knights and interested persons, and a forum for discussion of activities and issues in our chapter. It is open to people with like interests wherever they live and whatever their ages. Our goal is to provide for interaction between visitors in a Christian, civil, and relaxed environment without “flames” or other obnoxious messages. We welcome questions about the Knights, our mission, this web site, and more. If you want to talk about other topics, you’re probably in the wrong place.
When you, the user, become registered at this site, you agree to:
You are asked to keep the content of your posts consistent with “netiquette”: e.g. respect for other people’s copyright (don’t post something from somewhere else without proper credit or prior written permission of the individuals or owner), no heated messages (“flames”), no personal abuse, make your subject lines relevant and informative about the content, use mixed case in your postings and registration information (ALL UPPER CASE LOOKS AS IF YOU’RE SHOUTING), etc. Be Christian in your posts. Posts or personal information with all upper case words in either the title or body (text) will be altered or deleted. Excessive use of punctuation such as long strings of exclamation marks (!) will be removed. You agree that your posts will not be defamatory, vulgar, hateful, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of another person’s privacy, contain “adult” material, or otherwise result in this site being in apparent violation of any law of the United States. Spam, flooding, chain letters, illegal downloading links, or pyramid schemes, are also forbidden.
The site administrator or KofC staff may remove or amend, without warning or notification, any material that may be considered abusive, libelous, offensive, significantly off-topic or otherwise disruptive of the purposes of this site. Advertising of products, services, or another web site is considered off-topic and will be removed. Links to other sites for informational purposes are permitted. “Spam” is absolutely prohibited and offenders will be banned from the site.
Users are expected to treat others with respect and keep the discussion appropriate for a public forum for visitors of all ages and types. This is a “family friendly” site and anything inconsistent with that may result in loss of privileges of use. Please limit your topics to faith and KofC matters, and related issues. Discussions of other matters may be deleted. Harassment of anyone on the site will result in the offender being banned. Use of any words or language which could be interpreted to be offensive or sexual in nature may be removed without further notification or explanation. Anyone who feels that material posted on this site is objectionable is encouraged to notify the site administrator or parish office immediately. KofC will investigate any such complaint however any action on our part will be depend on the results of that investigation.
You, the user, are solely responsible for the content of your posted messages and content. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless KofC, the Knghts of Columbus State and Supreme councils, the Columbus Diocese, any related websites, its staff, and its subsidiaries as a result of that posted content. KofC reserves the right to reveal your identity (or any other related information collected on this service) in the event of any legal action arising from any situation caused by your use of this site.
You, the user, agree to provide a valid e-mail address with which the administrators of this site may contact you, and to keep that address updated. If we determine the e-mail address is invalid, your registration may be deleted. You have the ability during registration to choose your user name. Your user name must be in mixed or lower case; all upper case names will be altered by the site administrator. Your user name must not contain offensive terms or language or be inappropriate in a Christian or family environment. You agree to never give your password out to another person except an administrator, for your protection and the security of your personal data and this site. You also agree to never use another person’s account for any reason. We also highly recommend you use a complex and unique password for your account, to prevent account theft. Passwords are not available to the administrators of the site and if lost, will be reset to a temporary password.
We request your given First and Last Name during registration for your protection and it must be in mixed case. If you provide additional information whether required or voluntary, including your name or location, we will keep that private, however if we determine it was false or deceptive, your access may be limited or denied. Providing false or contradictory information in your registration including your city, country, or name (e.g. providing a “state” and “country” that do not match) will result in your access being limited or denied. You agree that you are registering for the purposes of this site and that if you do so for other reasons, including but not limited to, “spamming” the users of this site, you will be banned and may be reported to legal authorities.
Redistribution of material from this site is not allowed except by prior permission except for limited quotes for journalistic purposes only and with proper credit. You cannot forward pages and material from this site to a mailing list, BBS, or listserv without prior permission. You must ask our permission before re-posting this information on the web or distributing it via other means. You may link to articles on this site or the site itself without permission but please notify us as a courtesy; however links to or from sites that promote or conduct online gambling, poker, sexual, or pornographic related material are never permitted. If you link to us and we determine your site is engaged in activity inconsistent with our purposes we may ask you to remove that link and you agree to do so. You may use the service links (to sites such as del.icio.us or Digg), RSS feeds and podcasts on this site that are publicly available without further permission. You may use the “send to a friend” and “email this page” type links to send content to an individual known to you however you may not use those links to send content to a mailing list, BBS, or listserv or to generate “spam” without our prior permission. Any other use, in whole or in part, without prior permission, is prohibited.
If you disclose personal information about yourself or another individual that posting may be deleted and you could be banned from further use of the site. Our server logs your “IP address”, i.e. the place on the web you are located. It is our practice to keep that information strictly private however should it be necessary it will be used to ban users who violate the policies of the site. Please be aware that this site is publicly accessible on the web and via some search engines. Any personal information included in a message may therefore be disclosed to other persons or entities. We do not disclose the e-mail addresses or IP addresses of anyone who posts on this site to outside organizations or persons except upon receipt of a legally valid order from a court or for resolution of technical issues (such as to our web services partners). Our privacy page is incorporated herein by reference and further explains this section.
And finally, this site is…
Copyright © 2022, Knights of Columbus, Columbus Chapter. All rights reserved.